Vello Kahro

Vello Kahro has a higher education in Economics from the University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics. Vello Kahro worked in Nordecon AS and its parent company Nordic Contractors AS since 1989 until 2012. Vello Kahro is member of the audit committee of Nordecon AS.
Membership in administrative or control bodies of other organizations: Nordic Contractors AS subsidiaries and affiliates (council), Kaarlaid OÜ (board), Kaarlaid Eriveod OÜ, Niveraalis OÜ, Niverto OÜ.
Interests (exceeding 5%) in other companies: Kaarlaid OÜ, Kaarlaid Eriveod OÜ, Niveraalis OÜ, Niverto OÜ.

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