Nordecon awarded Heinrich Laul Nordecon PhD Scholarship to Ivar Annus and Engineering Study Scholarship to Merli Aron

“The keywords in construction today are modern and clever solutions, but at the same time there is a problem with qualified and enthusiastic workforce – Nordecon has had a very good cooperation with TUT for a long time and it is important for us to be able to boost the work of young people a little,” Jaano Vink, Chairman of AS Nordecon stated.

Ivar Annus is a senior researcher in Faculty of Civil Engineering of TUT, holder of the chair in hydro and aeromechanics and chairman of the hydromechanics research and test laboratory. His research and learning are focused on dynamics of flowing liquids in artificial and natural systems and energy efficiency of pumps and water distributors. Ivar Annus is an author of many high-level publications, a valued colleague and lecturer.

Merli Aron is a fifth-year student in Tallinn University of Technology faculty of Civil Engineering. In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge from the university, Merli has spent several years successfully growing her practical skills on real life functioning construction market. In her thesis, Merli will focus on quality in construction design and methods to ensure it.

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