Managers of Nordecon at the company’s 30th anniversary: the main challenge the construction industry is facing today is the introduction of digital solutions

“In its 30 years of operation, Nordecon has left a significant mark on the territory of Estonia: if we put flags on the map where we have built buildings, facilities, or roads important for the development of Estonia, we would have a fairly evenly covered map,” said Gerd Müller, Chairman of the Board of Nordecon. “In the 30 years, the construction industry has undoubtedly developed a lot – so has Nordecon. Today, like any other field, we are facing the benefits and challenges of digitalisation: to get better results, we need to make changes and change ourselves. The digitalisation of building processes is very extensive, as it covers everything from projects to building management. However, we already have well-informed clients who know how digital solutions broaden opportunities and increase efficiency. I am glad that we have achieved a high level of professionalism as one of the first Estonian construction companies in this area. This is something to be proud of.”

“For the builder, model designs mean paperless projects and better planning, which, in turn, means less errors and adjustments. Nordecon has not had a project where we did not use any 3D models for a long time. We successfully completed the first 100% paperless project – the Haabersti intersection – last year. For the client, the use of digital opportunities means a better understanding of the whole process and the construction object, but also more convenient and comprehensive cost management,” added Gerd Müller.

The Nordecon Group employs more than 700 specialists and has a market share of about 10% in Estonia. “Nordecon has become an industry leader thanks to our experienced staff and versatile knowledge of building specifications. We work together with both the TTK University of Applied Sciences and TalTech to train and find the best young people who are interested in contributing to and developing the Estonian construction industry,” said Ando Voogma, Member of the Board of Nordecon AS. “Nordecon has received many awards during its 30 years of activity: we have been recognised for being an attractive employer, for building high-quality buildings, for good projects, and for our outstanding employees.”

In addition to Estonia, Nordecon Group operates in the Swedish, Finnish, and Ukrainian markets. In Sweden, we mainly provide construction services for residential and non-residential buildings. In Ukraine, Nordecon operates in the field of general contracting and project management for private clients. In Finland, the Group has mainly focused on subcontracting for concrete works, but based on the experience of the past years, we are starting preparatory work to expand into the general contracting market.

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