Nordecon to reconstruct sections of Riga-Pskov Highway

“The Riga-Pskov Highway mightn’t set any traffic records, at around just 800 cars a day, but in international terms it’s an important stretch of road,” said Ando Voogma, a member of the management board of Nordecon AS. “The main aim of the reconstruction is to boost the level of driving comfort and safety on the 11.6 km section of road we’re working on.”

In the first stage of the work the existing asphalt surface will be milled in its entirety and the old, stabilised layer beneath it broken up. The soil layer material will also be partly replaced. A new gravel layer will then be constructed and topped with a complex stabilised layer. Finally, this will be covered with a new, double-layered asphalt surface. All existing barriers will be removed and replaced with new ones, while some culverts will also be replaced and new ditches dug.

 The precise location of the roadworks is two sections of national highway no. 7: the first between 195.6 and 205.8 km; and the second between 207.8 and 209.2 km. A five-year warranty will apply to the work, which is scheduled to take seven months.

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