Nordecon to build 21 M worth military objects to Tapa

“We consider this as the ever growing contribution to developing the defence capabilities of Estonia – so far our cooperation with the Centre for Defence Investment has gone smoothly,” said Ando Voogma, member of the management board of Nordecon AS. “We have already built two barracks to Tapa and a part of the armoured manoeuvring capability infrastructure along with everything belonging thereto.”

“We have delivered military objects to the client in the amount of ca 25 million euros,” said Ando Voogma. “Despite the specifics of buildings and facilities and the much more demanding client, we have been able to deliver several items before the deadline. In constructing new buildings, we can focus even more on the experience gained from past military developments that we have acquired in recent years.”

According to Colonel Rauno Sirk, Director of the Defense Investment Center, both the state and construction companies acted expeditiously in the expansion of Tapa campus, which was opened in October. “It took a bit more than a year from the decisions to the completion of the construction works, we hope that the new construction will be completed with the same efficiency."

The total area of two four-storey barracks is 9,272 m² and the construction costs 7.45 million euros. The contract of the armoured manoeuvring capability infrastructure includes the construction of various buildings, such as repair shop, study halls, etc. and the related roads, grounds and utility networks. The cost of the armoured manoeuvring capability infrastructure 13,5 million euros. For both contracts the construction work last for 11 months and VAT will be added to the amount.

The main designer of the barracks is SWECO Projekt AS / ConArte OÜ.

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