Nordecon entered into agreement for the construction of Piusa guard station buildings

This week, Nordecon AS and Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS) entered into an agreement for reconstruction of the buildings of Piusa border guard station in Meremäe rural municipality of Võru County. The construction cost of the guard station is approximately 3.8 million euros without the value added tax.

“Nordecon is grateful for an opportunity to once again contribute to the creation of sites strategically significant to Estonia in the south-eastern part of the country, by creating a better working and living environment for border guards as well as other persons responsible for the defence of the nation on a day-to-day basis,” said Avo Ambur, a member of the management board of Nordecon AS. “For us, Piusa guard station belongs to the same category with the new building of the training centre of the Estonian National Defence College, which was completed last year on the grounds of the Kuperjanov Infantry Battalion, and the Koidula border station that received new looks a few years ago.”

According to Avo Ambur, the section of state border under the jurisdiction of Piusa guard station is one of the most difficult, which is why the renovation of the guard station and the modernisation of the on-site living conditions are so important. Piusa border guard station is also among this year’s most important construction projects for RKAS.

During the course of work the current building’s roofless section will be demolished, and a new wing will be built. The objective is to construct a long-lasting building complex, fully suitable for the work of border guards, which would also require minimal upkeep and maintenance costs. The reconstruction seeks to fit a modern architectural solution into the existing environment.

The total area of the three-storey main building and several outbuildings exceeds 2,500 square metres. The completion due date for the construction work is March 2016. The building design documentation was made by AS Amhold.

Piusa border guard station is one of the strongholds of Estonia’s land frontier which is also to be a significant home base for the border guard Special Forces. It is an important investment project on the border of Estonia and Russia, aimed at increasing the security on the external border of the European Union and NATO.

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