In April, world-class conference on Building Information Modelling “BIMsummit – How to build the future?” is held in Estonia

Implementing BIM technology gives an opportunity to bring all the parties of a construction project together as one team – building information model makes it easy to monitor and manage the whole work cycle of a building from design to maintenance. Experts from USA, Germany and Estonia will take the floor on the BIMsummit conference held in Tallinn from 19th to 20th April. Pictures and drawings:

“Higher technological education has been offered in Tallinn for almost a hundred years, however, construction engineers graduating from university today must be able to orient themselves in many different walks of life. Virtual work environment is something they can’t avoid,” Jaak Aaviksoo, rector of Tallinn University of Technology stated. “Modern work environment and tools must help people work better, avoid mistakes and give a better overview of any situation. I am delighted that this high-level conference takes place in partnership with TUT, both students and practising construction specialists can benefit from it.”

“Building information modelling is a standard tool for architects and engineers, but builders and managers should also start using it every day,” professor Irene Lill, director of TUT Department of Building Production said. “Last summer, Tallinn University of Technology carried out a research among general contractors which showed that using novel options has not yet been widely implemented by the contractors. BIM technology is developed in order to systematically tie together building information of imperceptible volume, covering the building’s entire life cycle from idea to demolition. Building information modelling makes the building process faster, of higher quality and optimisation.”

“The goal of BIMsummit is to bring together all parties of a building project, both local and from abroad: from clients and engineers to general contractors who will give an overview of implementing BIM on a building site, also software companies to introduce options BIM offers for a building project,” Miina Karafin, organiser of BIMsummit and BIM-project manager at Nordecon said. “BIM has many uses and benefits: for example, using models and simulations makes it possible to better plan jobs on a building site in the early stages of the construction, avoid mistakes, obtain better and more comprehensive information about the entire project, react faster to the changes, save costs, avoid duplications and so on. I believe that attending BIMsummit is an excellent opportunity for everyone connected to the construction industry to find out what BIM is and how to implement it.”

René Schumann, Erik Sanford, Jeremy Thibodeau, Reet Kalmet, Silver Neemelo, Avo Ambur, Virgo Sulakatko and others will share their experiences at BIMsummit. Attending the conference will give 26 EEL (Estonian Association of Civil Engineers) continuing education credits. See the conference schedule at:!kava/y4z6m.

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