A public and free lecture on innovative possibilities in building will be held at BIM conference

At BIMsummit 2016, a largest ever conference with an innovative approach on BIM held in Estonia, a public lecture will take place, where Fred Mills, internationally recognised BIM-visionary from England and Jeremy Thibodeau – a seasoned BIM-manager from USA will share their experiences. The lecture will give a more accurate picture of the importance of BIM in building sector and on implementing it. The public lecture is free and will be held on April 20, for more information go to www.bimsummit.ee.

“All general contractors are thinking of ways to make work more efficient, save time and minimise mistakes in the building process. Implementing BIM-technology and, as a result, innovative management methods is one of the potential solutions,” Miina Karafin, BIM-project manager at Nordecon and organiser of BIMsummiti said. “The public lecture held during the two day BIMsummit is aimed at everyone connected to the construction industry. Even to people who do not yet know anything about BIM but would like to find out.”

Interest in the conference has been strong – largest construction companies, engineers, clients and students will be participating. Riigi Kinnisvara AS (State Real Estate Ltd) and Estonian Road Administration have also shown great interest, giving a strong signal that this is an important topic even on national level.

“For Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS), BIM is already being used and we always commission BIM when designing new buildings, not using it is rather an exception,” Silver Ader, BIM-project manager at RKAS stated. “RKAS has taken a clear step towards making the BIM-technology reach from the engineers work station to the construction site and more importantly – to real estate management and maintenance. RKAS has already launched the first pilot project in Estonia to create a BIM management model based on the new building of Estonian National Museum,” Ader added.

MTÜ BIMsummit came together with a common interest in introducing in Estonia the subject that the members Miina Karafin, Kairi Sülla, Priit Ulmas and Risto Vahenurm have seen when working and studying in USA, Germany and Sweden. A group of young specialists sees, how important it is to learning from practitioners experience – it is inspiring and in addition gives an opportunity to avoid mistakes made by others.

On a two day conference, in addition to hearing about experiences form other countries, you can also hear success stories that have already been carried out here in Estonia. “We will try to find an answer to a question: what motivates a contractor to implement BIM in Estonia. Even though the term BIM is no longer new in Estonia, implementing it and affirming its value in the eyes of both clients and general contractors is something that in MTÜ BIMsummit’s opinion needs more attention,” Risto Vahenurm stated.

For example René Schumann, Erik Sanford, Jeremy Thibodeau, Fred Mills, Reet Kalmet, Silver Neemelo, Andrus Kõresaar, Avo Ambur, Virgo Sulakatko and others will share their experiences at BIMsummit. Attending the conference will give 26 EEL continuing education credits.

See the conference schedule at: http://www.bimsummit.ee/kava.

Limited number of tickets are still available for the two-day conference. The public lecture is free, but prior registration is necessary.

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