A cornerstone was laid at Järveküla School

Today, Mart Võrklaev, the Mayor of Rae parish and Jaano Vink, the Chairman of the Board of Nordecon placed a cornerstone to the construction of Järveküla School in Rae parish. The school of Järveküla will be built of three interconnected parts: primary school building, atrium with a dining hall and assembly hall, and the basic school part with a sports complex, hobby school and a library.

“We cannot stop demographic processes – where’s family and children, there’s a need to be build school houses. The building of Järveküla School is a major and important event for Rae parish because our community will receive a modern educational centre with a sports complex,” said Mart Võrklaev, the Mayor of Rae parish. “We have designed the school house with keeping in mind that Järveküla School would also be beneficial for the surrounding people who can come here both to play a ball, swim or go in for athletics,” Mart Võrklaev added.

According to Jaano Vink, the Chairman of the Board of Nordecon AS, the external appearance is quite modest; however, it is only the top layer. “Education is a process – constant learning, enhancement and development. New knowledge accumulates in layers, while covering each other – this house will be like an onion – very multi-layered and even covered in gold, when sun is reflected in glasses, “ Jaano Vink said. “Rae parish sets an example for other growing parishes by taking this large work and investing in future and creating a perspective and taking the needs of the community into consideration. Nordecon does the utmost to ensure that the future of Estonia would be nice and comfortable in laying the foundation to their education.”

“Järveküla School will focus on the investigative study. Our students are open-minded communicators, curious thinkers, self-conscious and creative people who dare to risk and take responsibility for the outcomes. Learning is a lifestyle for the entire institution. A teacher is a mentor for a student, a guide and a study partner,” said Mare Räis, the director of Järveküla School.

SWECO Projekt AS has designed the project for Järveküla School, the responsible architect is Ahti Kooskora. Maret Volens, Andres Volens, Loona Kikkas, Erko Luhaaru and Peep Urb belonged to the team. The interior architects of the school building are Margit Teikari and Tuuli Trei. The landscape architect Piret Kirs has designed the school surrounding. More information about the pre-building process and project of Järveküla School: http://www.rae.ee/uus-pohikool-peetri-piirkonnas.

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